


Select your luggage storage store and keep your suitcase in Valencia

Our Lockers are close to the most touristic points of Valencia.
Select the one you prefer, and enjoy the city without loads!

50% discount from the second day

(Not accumulative with other discounts)


Calle de Julio Antonio 8, Valencia

Local 100% automated

Open 24 hours and 365 days

Phone 644 185 243

Near Estación Nord and Joaquín Sorolla and subway near Plaza España, Bailén and Xativa.

Mercado Central

Estación Nord /Tren Valencia

Lock & Be Free

Leave your bags in the center of Valencia

Store your suitcase in a safe place with LockandBeFree with 24-hour security cameras, so you can visit the city without worries.

We have 100% personalized attention.

Our services at Valencia

Included in the price of the Luggage Store, you will be able to access an endless number of services within our physical establishments in Valencia.

Mobile Charge

In our installations in Valencia, you have at your disposal chargers for any type of mobile or tablet

Maps of the City

In our physical offices we have maps of the City of Valencia so that once you leave your suitcase you can walk and enjoy the City of Valencia.

Free WiFi

At our headquarters in Valencia, you have free Wi-Fi to manage or check the information you need. Ask our staff.

Write us with your questions

Contact us NOW

For questions and for long stays complete and send the form.
You will receive our reply immediately
